
What is ngrok?

ngrok is a tunneling service that allows secure and reliable access to local servers and applications from other devices. It creates a secure connection between a public endpoint hosted by ngrok and a locally running server, providing a temporary public URL that can be used to access the local server's resources remotely.

Toggle ngrok

Turn ngrok on or off.

Set Authtoken (REQUIRED)

Set your ngrok authtoken. A free authtoken is required as Servercraft uses TCP protocol. Your Authtoken is stored locally on your computer and is never sent to anyone.

Set Subdomain

If you pay for ngrok, you can set a custom subdomain here.

Config file

Open the config files for ngrok.

Set Region

Set your ngrok region, default: us

Manage ngrok Account

Opens ngrok dashboard in your browser.

Learn more



Return to settings pane.

Last updated